Section 4: C Debugging, Testing, Formatting

In the previous discussion section, you learned how to use C build and test frameworks to help automate the process of compiling and verifying your programs. In this discussion, we will continue to learn about new tools that can help us better debug, test, and format our programs.

1. Getting the Code

Once again, we will be using VS Code to log into the ecelinux servers:

  • Start VS Code
  • Use View > Command Palette to execute Remote-SSH: Connect Current Window to Host...
  • Enter
  • Use View > Explorer to open folder on ecelinux
  • Use View > Terminal to open terminal on ecelinux

First, fork the repositiory to your own GitHub profile:

Uncheck the box Copy the main branch only. We want all the branches!

Now clone your forked version of the repo using the following commands (replace your-github):

$ git clone --branch sec04 ece2400-sec04
$ cd ece2400-sec04
$ tree

The directory includes the following files:

  • avg-main.c: source and main for single-file avg program
  • square.h: header file for the square function
  • square.c: source file for the square function
  • square-adhoc.c : test driver for square function

2. Using GDB for Debugging

There are two kinds of C/C++ programmers in the world: printf debuggers and GDB debuggers. Students should use whichever debugging techniques make them the most productive coders. However, students should also not underestimate the power of attaching a debugger to your program.

Let's start by compiling the single-file program that to test our ubiquitous avg function:

$ gcc -Wall -g -O0 -o avg-main src/avg-main.c
$ ./avg-main

Notice how we include the -g -O0 options for debugging. This code has a bug and should give the wrong output. Let's start by using printf debugging. Add some extra printfs to observe the state of the program as it executes.

int avg(int x, int y) {
  printf("x = %d, y = %d\n", x, y);
  int sum = x - y;
  printf("sum = %d\n", sum);
  return sum / 2;

You should be able to see that the value for the sum variable is incorrect, but the value for the x and y variables are correct. This means we can narrow our focus to line 3 in the above code snippet. Hopefully, you should be able to spot the bug. Fix the bug, recompile, and rerun the program.

Let's now try tracing the execution of this program using GDB. First, remove the extra printfs, undo your bug fix, and then recompile. Then you can start GDB like this

$ gdb -tui avg-main

GDB will drop you into a GDB "prompt" which you can use to interactively execute your program. Your source code will show up at the top, and the GDB prompt is at the bottom. Here are some useful GDB commands:

  • break location : set a breakpoint
  • run : start running the program
  • record : start recording the execution for reverse debugging
  • step : execute the next C statement, step into a function call
  • next : execute the next C statement, do not step into a function call
  • rs : reserve step, undo the execution of current C statement
  • print var : print a C variable
  • continue : continue on to the next breakpoint
  • quit : exit GDB
  • refresh : refresh the source code display

GDB is very sophisticated so of course there are many more commands you can use, but these are enough to get started. Let's start by just running the program in GDB:

(gdb) run

Now let's try again, but first let's set a breakpoint to tell GDB to stop at a certain function or line in the program. The following will set a breakpoint at the beginning of the main function.

(gdb) break main

You can see a little b+ marker in the margin next to the first statement in the main function indicating the location of the breakpoint. You might need to use refresh to get GDB to refresh the source code display. We can now use run to start the program running. The execution should stop at the beginning of the function main. You should see the first line of the function highlighted.

(gdb) refresh
(gdb) run > temp

We are using > temp so that any output from printf goes to a file and does not mess up the source code display. We can use record to save the computer's state after every instruction. Then, we can step through the execution of each C statement using the step command.

(gdb) record
(gdb) step

Keep using step until you get into the avg function You can print out the value of any variable using the print command:

(gdb) print x
(gdb) print y
(gdb) print sum

You can also step backwards using the rs command:

(gdb) rs

Try stepping forward and backwards through the avg function and print out various variables to see how they change during the execution. You can use quit to exit.

(gdb) quit

Now fix the bug and rerun the test.

3. Using clang-format for Autoformatting

The course coding conventions are located here:

Following these conventions and indeed any coding conventions can be quite tedious. Many software companies and open-source software projects use code formatters to automate the process of formatting their code to the style guide. One such tool is called clang-format. This tool takes a style file that specifies the coding conventions and then tries to reformat your code so it adheres to the style file. We have provided you a style file named .clang-format that adheres to the course coding conventions. You can run clang-format like this;

$ clang-format -i src/avg-main.c

clang-format will output the autoformatted source code. To really see this in action though we need to write some poorly formatted code! Modify the avg function in avg-main.c to look like this:

    int avg( int x, int y) {
      int sum = x + y;
        return sum/2; }

The space before/after parenthesis is not consistent, and the curly braces are on the wrong lines. Run clang-format again like this:

$ clang-format src/avg-main.c

Verify that the code is beautiful again. Note that we are not actually modifying the code, just outputting the autoformatted code to the console. If you cat the source code it still is not formatted correctly:

$ cat src/avg-main.c

You can use the -i command line option to autoformat the code "in-place"

$ clang-format -i src/avg-main.c

With autoformatting, students no longer have any excuse for poorly formatted code! However, do keep in mind that the autoformatter does not fix everything. This is where clangd and .gitignore comes in. Those two tools can help you with your variables names and prevent you from committing build files. Students will still need to ensure:

  • no irrelevant instructor supplied comments are included
  • an appropriate amount of comments are included (not too little, not too much!)

4. Using GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration

What is the point of test cases and formatting standards if people can push sloppy code to your GitHub Repo anyways? Continuous integration is the process of continually integrating your code changes with your tests. It enfornces some level of code quality, before it is committed to your main repository branch. We will be using GitHub Actions to facilitate continuous integration. GitHub Actions will automatically run all tests for a project every time code is pushed to GitHub.

To start, you need to enable GitHub Actions with a workflow file. We have already created one of those files for you, and you can see it here:

$ cat .github/workflows/actions.yml

Although it is not important to understand the details of this YAML file, you can still see that it includes steps to first compile avg-main.c, run it, and check the output is 15.

Go ahead and commit all of the work you have done in this tutorial. Then, push your local commits to your forked repository on GitHub. As a reminder these are the appropriate git commands:

$ git add -u
$ git commit -m "fix sec04 code"
$ git push
$ git checkout main
$ git pull
$ git merge sec04
$ git push

Revisit the GitHub Actions page for this repository.


Click on the current commit "working on sec04", and then watch as GitHub Actions brings up a virtual machine and runs all the steps to compile and test your code. If you click on "build" job, you can see the specific failure or pass message. If you still need to, fix your code on ecelinux, commit and push your fix, and verify your code is now passing the tests on GitHub Actions.

Note, you should always test your code directly on ecelinux first. Do not use GitHub Actions as the primary way to run your tests. GitHub Actions is only for continuous integration testing. In this economy, you can very quickly run out of Actions minutes.

5. To-Do On Your Own

If you have time, try compiling src/square-adhoc.c in the repository and executing the resulting binary. You make need to use CMake. Use GDB debugging to find the bug and fix it.

After fixing the bug, add to the GitHub Actions workflow file with correctness checks for src/square-adhoc.c.

Finally, update the .github/workflows/actions.yml file to check that any committed code is properly formatted. Maybe you could even use a GitHub Action from the Actions Marketplace.